Switching Gears: Necessary Brain Rewiring for Success - Day 8


When growing an online business or ministry, success is, in many ways, less about natural ability or spiritual gifts and more about mindset. The patterns we adopted over the years with how we think, process challenges, and handle failures play pivotal roles in our progress. This mental framing, however, isn't set in stone. By adopting a growth mindset, we can effectively "rewire" our brains, steering ourselves towards achievement and fulfillment.

1. Recognizing the Plasticity of the Brain

Modern neuroscience has illuminated the remarkable adaptability of our brains. Termed 'neuroplasticity,' this feature allows our brains to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience. By embracing a growth mindset, we harness this innate plasticity, molding our brains to navigate the path to success.

2. Shifting from Fixed to Growth

A fixed mindset confines us to the belief that our abilities are static. In contrast, a growth mindset celebrates the dynamism of human potential. By understanding that skills and intelligence can be cultivated, we open doors to countless opportunities, challenging ourselves to evolve consistently. All it takes is a mindset shift.

3. Emphasizing Effort Over Outcome

One fundamental aspect of rewiring our brain involves valuing effort over mere outcomes. This shift encourages persistence, resilience, and a genuine passion for the learning process. It recognizes that the journey, fraught with challenges and setbacks, is equally valuable as the destination. 

4. Celebrate Small Wins

We get so busy doing that we forget to celebrate the small wins. A rewired brain for success finds joy in incremental progress. Instead of waiting for monumental achievements, celebrate small wins. Instead of waiting for others to celebrate you, take a moment to celebrate yourself. Each step forward, no matter how minute, reinforces the belief in one's capability and fuels the drive to achieve more.

5. Using Setbacks as Catalysts

We can get so hard on ourselves when we experience setbacks in business or ministry. But remember that, when viewed through a growth mindset, failures transform from stumbling blocks to stepping stones. They are no longer reflections of personal inadequacy but become essential feedback mechanisms. We refine our strategies by analyzing and learning from setbacks, ensuring better preparedness for future challenges.

6. Embrace Curiosity

Curiosity is a cornerstone of a growth-oriented brain. We remain open to new ideas, methodologies, and perspectives by fostering a thirst for knowledge. It is always better to have an open mind than a closed one. This openness enhances adaptability and ensures we update our knowledge base, readying ourselves for varied challenges.

7. Engaging in Continuous Self-reflection

When was the last time you paused for self-reflection? Rewiring for success requires constant introspection. Periodic self-reflection ensures we remain aware of our growth areas, acknowledging our strengths while working on our weaknesses. This holistic self-awareness shapes our efforts, guiding us toward well-rounded personal, professional, and spiritual development.


Adopting a growth mindset is akin to switching our brain's gears, preparing it for the demanding yet rewarding journey of success. By embracing challenges, valuing effort, and seeing failures as growth opportunities, we set the stage for continuous improvement. In doing so, we enhance our potential and enrich our experience, making the pursuit of success as fulfilling as its attainment. If you missed Day 7, read it here. If you prefer to watch the short video, watch it here.

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